Call for papers: Inviting abstract for annual Interdisciplinary International Seminar 2024

Pondělí 22. červenec 2024, 9:26

Sixth International Seminar for the Promotion of Interdisciplinary Research and International Exchange

Call for Proposal

Reconceptualizing Cross Border Academic Mobility in the Interdisciplinary Research Agenda

The International Affairs Office of the School of Letters/Graduate School of Humanities, Osaka University is organizing an interdisciplinary International Seminar for young scholars under the theme “Reconceptualizing Cross Border Academic Mobility in the Interdisciplinary Research Agenda” and is subsequently planning to publish the papers in peer-reviewed booklet with ISBN code.

This International Seminar attempts to reconceptualize cross-border academic mobility by integrating insights from different fields of study in Humanities and Social Sciences. Cross-border academic mobility refers to the movement of students, scholars, and academic staff across national boundaries for education, teaching, and research purposes. It is expected that reconceptualizing cross border academic mobility through an interdisciplinary perspective would allow for a more comprehensive understanding of its complexities and challenges, which would subsequently contribute to developing new ideas.
The purpose of this seminar is to provide a free space in which new thoughts can be developed through discussions and intellectual interactions. Furthermore, the seminar targets to contribute to fostering the next generation of scholars who would be armed with interdisciplinary knowledge in order to contribute to achieving sustainability goals.

We would like to invite young scholars to share their research outcomes with their overseas counterparts and receive comments from different perspectives for further improvement.

Details of the program:
1) Special lecture on a topic related to “Reconceptualizing Cross Border Academic Mobility in the Interdisciplinary Research Agenda”
2) Oral presentations by young scholars on a topic from diverse fields of humanities and social sciences
3) Open discussion

Date of the Seminar: October 30 - Wednesday, 2024 13:00 (JST)

Mode of the Seminar: in-person and online (Hybrid)

Language of the seminar: English (including Q & A)

Deadline for abstract submission: August 30th Friday, 2024

The abstract should be written in English in Word format between 150 - 250 words.

Result announcement of the selected papers: September 17th Tuesday, 2024

Abstract submission & Inquiry :

Dr. Mohammad Moinuddin
Assistant Professor, International Affairs Office,
School of Letters/Graduate School of Humanities, Osaka University, Osaka (Japan)


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