Pozvánka na přednášku Stanley R. Sloana 27. 9. od 10:00 v učebně KB/2.03 - "Defense of the West: Czech Republic, the United States, and Transatlantic Security | LECTURE & DISCUSSION"

Středa 26. září 2018, 15:33

Defense of the West: Czech Republic, the United States, and Transatlantic Security | LECTURE & DISCUSSION

What many do not fully recognize is that the North Atlantic Treaty is a political as well as a military commitment. We currently face challenges in both areas, and choices made over the next few years on both sides of the Atlantic will have a profound impact on our individual and collective interests.

Stanley R. Sloan has worked on transatlantic security issues for over 50 years, as a U.S. government official and now as an educator, writer and lecturer. He worked with the U.S. Senate in the 1990s on the process that led to the Czech Republic joining NATO. He now is raising alarms about the future of NATO and, more broadly, liberal democracy, which will be the focus of his talks in the Czech Republic. He is author of Transatlantic Traumas: Has Illiberalism Brought the West to the Brink of Collapse? (Manchester University Press, Pocket Politics Series, March
2018) and Defense of the West: NATO, the European Union and the Transatlantic Bargain (Manchester University Press - 2016).


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