Full time doctoral students receive a regular monthly bursary during the standard period of study. The amount of the bursary is set at CZK 15,000 per month from 1 January 2024, of which CZK 11,250 is guaranteed and CZK 3,750 is a deductible part of the bursary, which may be withdrawn or re-awarded on the proposal of the supervisor, depending on the fulfilment of study obligations. The period of any previous unsuccessful doctoral studies is deducted from the period for which the student is entitled to the payment of the doctoral bursary. The bursary is paid only to students studying in study programmes accredited in the Czech language.
Besides this amount, selected doctoral students receive extra bursaries, usually for their research and publication activities. Doctoral students have the opportunity to participate in the Internal Grant Competition of the Internal Grant Agency (IGA), in which they can get financial resources both for their research activities and to increase their basic bursary amount.
Schedule of doctoral bursary pay days for the academic year of 2023/2024
Schedule of doctoral bursary pay days for the academic year of 2024/2025