
Here you can find information about each semester of Euroculture programme. All the information are both general and applicable to the whole consortium, and also specific for Euroculture in Olomouc.
It is worth to mention that Euroculture programme in Olomouc is very flexible when it comes to optional courses - students can choose any courses from Faculty of Arts that fits their interests.
Semester I
First semester of Euroculture programme has more general approach. Main aim is to provide students with more general background and also chosen problems. Students attend three Core Fields courses, Euroculture course and one course focusing on relations between Central Europe and European Union.
Core Fields - Core concepts of European society, politics and culture
During the first semester each student acquires a set of key competences (knowledge and skills), which form the foundation of the programme. Students are acquainted with the core issues of trans-, inter- and multiculturality, current political governance, national versus transnational identity and evolving social-political processes. These issues are considered on the basis of 4 core concepts, namely: Communication, Mobility of Citizens, Cooperation and Citizenship.
Find out more about the Core Field courses here.

Eurocompetences I
The Eurocompetence component, with special attention to the integration of academic and professional training, aims to provide Euroculture students with knowledge and skills to achieve a professional level of competence required on the job market. This component focuses on the cultural relations between Europe and the wider world and aims to enhance the employability of the graduates by providing preparation for the professional world after graduation. The combination of academic and professional education is an innovation of Euroculture and represents the programme’s commitment to social engagement as well as conveying knowledge to audiences outside of the academic field.
Find more about the Eurocompetence module of Euroculture studies in general and about Eurocompetences I in Olomouc here.
Semester II
Second semester of Euroculture programme is more focused that the first semester. An important element in the second semester is the Methodology seminar (10 ECTS credits) and the Research seminars (8 ECTS credits).
Eurocompetences II
The main focus of Eurocompetences II is on developing a specific ‘Euroculture’ competence of inter- and transcultural communication. This is done by means of focusing on European cultural project policy and management.
Find out more about the Eurocompetences II course here.
Intensive Programme
Intensive Programme (IP) is one of the most interesting parts of the whole Euroculture programme. All first year students gather at one of the partner unviersities for one week of workshop, presentations and social meetings. Each year the IP is organized by one of the European partner university.
For the more detailed description of the Intensive Programme nad IP course in Olomouc see here.
List of past IP topics can be found here.
Methodology Seminar
In general the methodology & theory seminar intends to offer student more in-depth theoretical and methodological knowledge and insight and takes the overview offered in the first semester as its point of departure. Its aim is to familiarise students with particular epistemology central to Euroculture approach such as social constructivism and a number of perspectives – cultural, historical, political and social – used to consider issues relevant to the Euroculture programme.
Find out more about the Methodology seminar in Olomouc here.
Research Seminars
In general the research seminar Europe in the wider world focuses on a selected number of cultural issues, which should lead to a better understanding of the establishment and development of cultural identities, cultural transformation processes perceived from within and outside of Europe as well as the impact of political and social processes on European culture(s). Each of the partner institutions links the European (and its various national) perspective(s) to another part of the world and vice versa.
Find out more about research seminars in Olomouc here.
Semester III
Third semester of Euroculture studies focuses on gaining more practical experience. Students can choose from Intership at the instutition of their choice, or Research track at one of the partner universities.
Internship/Professional Track
The Euroculture programme aims to equip students also with practical competences and personal skills needed for professional career and therefore an internship is a important part of a study programme. An internship is aimed at giving students insight in the relation between their academic training and the social and economic reality and can be done at any institution either in the country of ‘home university’ or abroad. This includes public or private sector institutions, such as government organizations, NGOs, research institutions, the media or international companies. Assignments conducted during the internship are of an academic level.
You can find more information about the Internship/Profession track here.
Research Track
The Euroculture programme at Palacký University has a couple of focus points. The main geographic interest of the programme is Central Europe as a region with various cultural, political, social and other consequences in both present-day situation as well as historical context, always in reference to Europe as a whole. From the thematic point of view the main interest lies in the visual culture of Europe and cultural heritage, cultural history and cultural identity of Europe, since the programme is based in the Department of History. However, scholars specializing in political science, sociology and other social sciences cooperate with the programme and are available for consultations and supervising theses. Specialists are also involved, who lecture and supervise theses related to art.
You can find more information about Research Track in Olomouc here.
MA Thesis (first part)
During the third semester students start to work on their Master thesises. Each students is assigned by one supervisor from her/his first and second university. During this semester students write thesis portfolio, which is first part of their thesis project.
In the third semester students start with the MA thesis by preparing a thesis outline or proposal (5 ECTS credits). The thesis itself will be completed during the fourth semester (25 ECTS credits). This offers the possibility of using expertise and sources available at two to three different universities.
Semester IV
Last semester of Euroculture programme focuses mainly at writing students´ Master thesises. It includes Thesis Writing Seminar and Eurocompetences III.
Eurocompetence III
In the Eurocompetence III module in Olomouc, students will be trained in preparing and writing a professional or a research project application.
Sessions provide students with theoretical background on project proposal writing and help them set up their own project proposals, on which the students will continuously work throughout the semester. At the last session, students’ project proposals are presented orally and, subsequently, students finalize the application also in the written form. The written project applications are due two weeks after the last course session and can be sent to the instructor via email.
Course programme:
– Grant opportunities; What is a grant
– Identifying project needs; Project goals and objectives
– Basics of proposal writing; Project structure; Writing style
– Project outcomes; Project evaluation; Sustainability of the grant
– Project budget
– Useful tips for writing a project application
– Oral presentations of students‘ project applications
Thesis Writing Seminar
The Thesis Writing Seminar will consist of 4 sessions throughout the semester, which will coincide with the Eurocompetence III module days. The teacher provides assistance in helping students write their theses by giving advice on how to improve it. The seminar will focus on techniques of thesis writing and on constructive feedback on students' work in progress. The provided comments will concern mainly the style and structure, the content is to be discussed with supervisors. Each student will submit one chapter of his/her thesis in advance and then present it in class, the aim of which is to provide students with feedback from teacher and peers, as well as to practice for oral defense.
MA Thesis
The purpose of the thesis is to give evidence of a student’s abilities in collecting and evaluating information, critically analysing theories in the chosen area of inquiry, and constructing, testing and defending an argument. The thesis should also demonstrate a student’s ability to present research results concisely and in a scholarly form, and show furthermore that the student is capable of original and independent work.
The MA thesis is a written account of interdisciplinary source and literature research based on a clearly defined problem, located within a contemporary European context (20th or 21st century) and has to deal with a topic related to the conceptual fields of Euroculture. The topics of the theses are formally approved by the Euroculture Examination Board. Both the ‘first university’ and ‘second university’ (see next point for an explanation) appoint a supervisor. One of them will act as main supervisor, depending on the expertise and experience in relation to the chosen and approved thesis topic. The MA thesis is written in English, and should consist of approximately 60 pages (20.000 words), EXCLUDING footnotes and bibliography.

Master Thesis
Important part of the Euroculture studies and Master studies in general is writing Master thesis. This takes place over the whole 2nd semester of Euroculture studies. Students conduct their own research on a topic they choose and discuss with two supervisors - one for each of their 1st and 2nd university. It must follow general outlines for Master thesis.
Current version of the Guidelines on the writing of the MA thesis for the whole Euroculture consortium can be found at the end of this section.
More infomation about Euroculture Master Thesis can be found here.
Important Deadlines
1st option | |
Thesis submission: | 1 June 2026 |
Final state exam and thesis defence: | June 2026 |
2nd option | |
Thesis submission: | 1 August 2026 |
Final state exam and thesis defence: | end of August/early September 2026 |
Thesis defense and final state exam
Thesis defense and Final State exam are aspects of Euroculture programme that are specific to Euroculture Olomouc. These two exams are mandatory at all Czech universities and are given by Czech national university law.
Each is a separate exam when student is given a separate grade - Thesis defense and Final State exam. Both parts will take place at the same day, following each other - first Thesis Defense, followed by Final State exam.
More information about the Thesis Defense and Final State exam can be found here.