
Strategies for Internationalization



One of the key activities of the Faculty of Arts is internationalization. The Faculty of Arts UP places internationalisation among the key objectives of its long-term development vision. Strong international engagement is essential for achieving the Faculty's goals in education, research and knowledge transfer. The Faculty of Arts UP wants to establish and develop strategic partnerships, especially with those universities that match its own educational and research profile. Therefore, it supports the involvement of its academic community in international networks for closer cooperation in teaching as well as in science and research.

The Faculty of Arts cooperates with foreign universities and scientific institutions on the basis of partnership agreements (Erasmus+, CEEPUS, direct cooperation agreements, etc.), within the framework of which hundreds of student and staff mobilities take place every year, organises international scientific and cultural events (e.g. AFO - Academia Film Olomouc, Days of Jewish Culture, etc.) and organises a number of internationally renowned conferences attended by experts from all over the world.


Exchange Teaching and Training Mobilities

Teachers and Non-Academic Staff could receive for  their mobility a financial support from different programmes for exchange mobilities. The following list gives names of the best-known mobility programmes:

  1. ERASMUS + (EU countries)
  2. ERASMUS + International Credit Mobility (Non-EU countries)
  9. And other

For more information about the financial support and conditions of the grant it is always better to contact your home university, the exchange programme, or your home country’s education ministry. 

For more information about the organization of your mobility at the Faculty of Arts UP please contact either faculty IRO officers or departmental coordinator, contacts are avilable here.

All necessary information regarding moving and stay in a foreign country is available on the IRO FoA UP web site - Useful information.


Participants of conferences, individual visitors

This kind of visits are designed on an individual basis, mostly on an invitation of colleagues.



The Human Resources Office of the Faculty of Arts UP (hereinafter referred to as HRO) is in charge of the administration of staff stays of foreign lecturers.

The HRO helps ensure the following:

  • Provides information about the job opportunities at the Faculty of Arts
  • Manages an employment contract
  • Secures a work permit
  • Reports of the employment at FoA UP of EU citizens to Employment Department (Úřad práce) Olomouc
  • Provides information about the visa requirements and other requirements necessary for entry to the Czech Republic
  • Assists with arranging the Czech language course

More information is avilable here.


Useful information and links


The Faculty of Arts UP factsheet

UP promotion videos

Palacký University | Olomouc | genius loci... 

UP in Facts and Figures

Olomouc – Cradle of Education

Czech National Agency for International Education and Research promotion videos

for academics

for students


Useful links

The Human Resources Offices:

Useful information for guests:

Guide for Foreign Employees:   

Úřad práce Olomouc:

Accommodation in UP dormitories: 

Video - Palacký University | genius loci...




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