Student Exchange Programmes



The faculty welcomes students on the basis of programmes such as ERASMUS+, CEEPUS, AKTION, Visegrad Fund etc., but also on the basis of cooperation with specific universities at the national, university or the faculty level.

The International Office of the Faculty of Arts administrates mobilities, it does not have the agenda of admitting students/foreigners to degree programmes. Mobility is usually semester-long, within the Erasmus programme we also accept students for short-term mobility of 5-30 days. This generally applies to students on a doctoral programme. A learning agreement is compulsory for all types of exchange stays. At the end of the mobility, the student does not receive a diploma, but so called Transcript of records.

Please BEWARE: 

If you want to apply for the full study programme, you can find information here.

For information about Czech for Foreigners go to the Language Centre website here.

Information about the Summer School of Slavonic Studies can be found here.

Student exchange programmes at the Faculty of Arts

Information about application process, deadlines, courses etc. is avilable on this web site.

  1. ERASMUS + (EU countries)
  2. ERASMUS + International Credit Mobility (Non-EU countries)
  3. Exchanges within the framework of cooperation between universities/faculties
  5. Exchanges within the framework of cooperation between countries/governments
  6. Other programmes
  7. Traineeships

Information about application process and deadlines of the named programmes is avilable on this web site.

1. ERASMUS+ (EU countries)

The Erasmus+ Programme is the most popular exchange programme. The Faculty of Arts collaborates with the number of different EU universities.

Applications are processed by the Palacký University Mobility Office.

2. ERASMUS+ ICM (Non-EU countries)

Applications are processed by the Palacký University Mobility Office

3. Exchanges within the framework of cooperation between faculties

Applications are processed by the Faculty of Arts International Office.

Contact person: Mrs Simona Černá, International

Application process


Nominations (a list of students) should be addressed to .


After being nominated students are asked to register online in the Palacký University information system STAG. Students can register here. After filling in the online registration form, applicants receive an automatic message as a confirmation of their registration.


Exchange students do not pay a tuition fee and are eligible for the accommodation at dormitories. The interest of the accommodation is included in the online registration form.

Learning Agreement

Each incoming student must submit a learning agreement. The agreement is included in the online registration form, section Courses. The application is not considered complete if the section Courses is not filled out.

This does not apply to students coming for a traineeship! For information about the Learning Agreement for Traineeship please follow this web site.

Courses offered to exchange students are listed here.

Application process:

Students are nominated by a coordinator at the sending (home) university. After being nominated, students are invited to register online in the UP portal. Students will not be admitted without registration. For the application and registration please visit Portal UP.

After filling in the online registration form, you will receive an automated confirmation of your registration. The confirmation email will also include login details for the UP portal; you must keep the email in case you need to go back to the application (registration form) to amend or modify it and in case of registering of courses in the UP IS STAG.

The conditions of the stay are similar to those of Erasmus+ programmes; students need not pay tuition fees, and are eligible for pre-booked dormitory accommodation. If students come for a whole semester/academic year, they must draw up the online Learning Agreement before their arrival.

The courses offered at the Faculty of Arts in a foreign language are  listed here.


This abbreviation means Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies. The CEEPUS programme supports cooperation between Central Europe countries through university networks.

The Faculty of Arts participates in the following networks:

1) Language and Literature in a Central European Context 
Coordinator/advisor: Mr Bas Hamers, Department of Dutch Studies,

2) Idea of Europe in European Culture, History and Politics
Coordinator/advisor: Mrs Radmila Švaříčková Slabáková, Dept. of History,

3) Slavic Philology and its Cultural Context
Coordinator/advisor: Mrs. Martina Pálušová, Dept. of Slavonics Studies,

4) E-Bologna for Translation Studies Programmes in Central and Eastern European Countries 
Coordinator/advisor: Mrs Petra Bačuvčíková, Dept. of German Studies, 

5) Inter-American Studies
Coordinator/advisor: Mr David Livingstone, Dept. of English and American Studies,

6) Korean Studies in Central and Eastern Europe
Coordinator/advisor: Mr Andreas Schirmer, Dept. of Asian Studies,

7) Red de Hispanistas de Europa Central
Coordinator/advisor: Mr Jakub Hromada, Dept. of Roman Studies,

8) TRANSkulturelle Kommunikation und TRANSlation
Coordinator/advisor: Mrs Petra Bačuvčíková, Dept. of German Studies, 

CEEPUS freemovers should contact Mrs Simona Černá,, IRO coordinator for incoming students

For information about the programme see:

Contact person at the Faculty of Arts IRO: Mrs Simona Černá, International Office,

Application process

Applications are approved by the CEEPUS National Office in Prague. If the student is awarded a CEEPUS scholarship, coordinators at the receiving institution are also informed.

Upon receipt of the Letter of award, the student is asked to register online in the university portal. To apply/register online please visit UP Portal.


After being nominated students are asked to register online in the Palacký University information system STAG. Students can register here. After filling in the online registration form, applicants receive an automatic message as a confirmation of their registration.


Exchange students do not pay a tuition fee and are eligible for the accommodation at dormitories. The interest of the accommodation is included in the online registration form.

Learning Agreement

Each incoming student must submit a learning agreement. The agreement is included in the online registration form, section Courses. The application is not considered complete if the section Courses is not filled out.

This does not apply to students coming for a practical placement!

Courses offered to exchange students are listed here.

5. Exchanges within the framework of cooperation between countries/governments

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic annually offers scholarships to foreign nationals. Such scholarships are awarded to applicants nominated by the competent authorities of eligible countries. The scholarship is intended for university students, graduates, Ph.D. students etc.

Mobility is usually one or two semesters long. This depends on the terms of the specific international agreement.

More information is avilable here.

Contact person at the faculty´s IRO: Mrs Simona Černá, International Office,

Application process:

Students are nominated by partner universities/national governments. After being nominated, students are invited to register online in the UP portal. Students will not be admitted without registration. For the application and registration, see:

After filling in the registration form, you will receive an automated confirmation of your registration. The confirmation email will also include login details for the UP portal; you must keep the email in case you need to go back to the application (registration form) to amend or modify it and in case of the registering of courses.

The conditions of the stay are similar to those of Erasmus+ programmes; students need not pay tuition fees, and are eligible for pre-booked dormitory accommodation. If students come for a whole semester/academic year, they must draw up the online Learning Agreement before their arrival.

The courses offered at the Faculty of Arts in a foreign language are  listed here.

6. Other Mobility Programmes

Other programmes supporting student mobility may be offered by universities, research institutes, foundations, non-profit organisations etc.

Contact person at the Faculty of Arts IRO: Mrs Simona Černá, International Office,

Application process:

Students are nominated by partner universities/national governments. After being nominated, students are invited to register online in the UP portal. Students will not be admitted without registration. For the application and registration, see:

After filling in the registration form, you will receive an automated confirmation of your registration. The confirmation email will also include login details for the UP portal; you must keep the email in case you need to go back to the application (registration form) to amend or modify it and in case of the registering of courses.

The conditions of the stay are similar to those of Erasmus+ programmes; students need not pay tuition fees, and are eligible for pre-booked dormitory accommodation. If students come for a whole semester/academic year, they must draw up the online Learning Agreement before their arrival.

The courses offered at the Faculty of Arts in a foreign language are  listed here.

7. Traineeships

1. Erasmus+ (Non-EU countries) traineeships

Erasmus Trainees must be nominated by the sending institution coordinator. Fore more information please follow this web site.

2. Other traineeships

The faculty does not have a permanent offer of traineeships. It is therefore up to the applicant to arrange an traineeship at a suitable applicant must have student status.

Application process

  • The student contacts the relevant department (the relevat departmental coordinator) with an inquiry about the possibility of an traineeship. The student must attach a CV and a motivation letter.
  • In case of acceptance, both parties arrange the mobility conditions, and the student receives a Letter of Admission from the Traineeship Guarantor confirming their acceptance for the traineeship. If the sending institution does not require such confirmation, it is possible to reflect the negotiated traineeship conditions directly in the Learning Agreement for Traineeship (the form will be provided by the sending institution).
  • Once the traineeship is confirmed, the student completes the online application in the Palacký University information system STAG here. After filling in the online registration form, applicants receive an automatic message as a confirmation of their registration. The confirmation email will also include login details for the UP Portal. You need to keep this message as you may still need to edit/add to your application.
  • The online application must be accompanied by a confirmation that the relevant department will accept the student (Letter of Admission or similar), as well as the Learning Agreement for Traineeship.


Students are not automatically entitled to dormitory accommodation. The availability of accommodation at dormitories depends on the current capacity.


If the student is a citizen of one of the EU or EEA countries, medical expenses can be covered by the European Health Insurance Card EHIC, provided that the student uses only a state medical facility connected to the European Health Insurance Scheme.

If the student is not an EU or EEA citizen, they are obliged to arrange a Comprehensive Health Insurance from any Czech insurance company, more information is avilable here.

After registration you will receive an automatic message confirming that your application is in the system. The confirmation email will also include login details for the UP Portal. You need to keep this message as you may still need to edit/add to your application.

The online application must be accompanied by a confirmation that the relevant department will accept the student (Letter of Admission or similar), as well as the Learning Agreement for Traineeships.

Contact person at the Faculty of Arts IRO: Mrs Simona Černá, International Office,

Application process:

Students are nominated by partner universities. After being nominated, students are invited to register online in the UP portal. Students will not be admitted without registration. For the application and registration, see:

After filling in the registration form, you will receive an automated confirmation of your registration. The confirmation email will also include login details for the UP portal; you must keep the email in case you need to go back to the application (registration form) to amend or modify it.

The conditions of the stay: students do not need pay tuition fees (Erasmus, University/Faculty Partnership Agreements), then they are eligible for pre-booked dormitory accommodation. If students come for a whole semester/academic year, they must draw up the paper Learning Agreement for Traineeship before their arrival.

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