Projects and Grants

Marie Skłodowska-Curie (subprogram Research and Innovation Staff Exchange)
TRANS.ARCH: Archives in Transition: Collective Memories and Subaltern Uses.
The grant aims to map how new digital technologies and the postmodern collapse of grand narratives, along with the emergence of new theoretical approaches such as postcolonial studies and queer studies, have led to changes in understanding the archive. At the same time, researchers wonder how different groups of people – from descendants of America’s indigenous peoples and victims of Latin American dictatorships to migrants and sexual minorities – use archives to exercise their rights.
The grant is coordinated by Prof Roland Spiller from Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt. Besides Palacký University, there are partners from Italy, Spain, Argentina, Peru, and Colombia.
Coordinator: doc. Mgr. Daniel Nemrava, Ph.D., The Department of Romance Languages at the UP Faculty of Arts
Sinophone Borderlands – interaction at the Edges
The “SINOFON” project explores how the Sinophone world interacts with the Turco-Persophone, Slavophone, Tibetophone, Hispanophone and Austroasiatophone worlds. The research team that we plan to establish will consist of senior and junior researchers from various disciplines in the fields of the humanities, social sciences and political science whose qualifications go beyond the average. This allows for a cross-disciplinary dialogue and cross-cultural comparisons which will push the current discussion on the Sinophone world beyond the current limited disciplinary and national frameworks. We will present the research results at conferences, and in books and papers. The project has been supported by the European Regional Development Fund. The whole project is administered and coordinated by the Department of Asian Studies at Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic, and co-financed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic.
Project leader: Mgr. Ondřej Kučera, Ph.D.
Observance Reconsidered: Uses and Abuses of the Reform (Individuals, Institutions, Society)
The project emphasizes the contrasts and parallels between the Catholic reform and that of the nascent stage of the European Reformation. In the Bohemian Lands and surrounding regions such task needs to start with editions and analysis of unpublished sources. This work provides basis for interpretative studies, which will focus on urban communities and the reception and reflection of reform in local contexts. Based on previously unpublished material, the project will illuminate the manifold, often conflicting developments leading to the early modern division in Western Christendom. o start with editions and analysis of unpublished sources. This work provides basis for interpretative studies, which will focus on urban communities and the reception and reflection of reform in local contexts. Based on previously unpublished material, the project will illuminate the manifold, often conflicting developments leading to the early modern division in Western Christendom.
Coordinator: doc. Mgr. Antonín Kalous M.A., Ph.D., Department of History at Palacký University, co-investigator: doc. Mgr. Petra Mutlová M.A., Ph.D., FF MU