Kurzy pro zaměstnance

Nabídka kurzů pro zaměstnance Filozofické fakulty UP

How to use AI correctly - teaching more efficiently and saving time

Training for teachers of the Faculty of Arts.

Date of realization: 22. 11. 2024, 9.30 - 12.30.

Venue: room 1.40, Faculty of Arts, Křížkovského 10

Lecturer: Jan Kohut

Application: https://czv.upol.cz/en/registration/3710/detail/terms

The training will aim to learn how to work correctly with ChatGPT and other chatbots to get the best out of them. You will learn how to effectively enter "prompts" so the AI can better understand you and provide quality outputs such as texts, presentations, explanations, exams, or term paper submissions. The training will incorporate many practical examples of AI use that teachers can incorporate into their teaching to use the principles of effective learning and help students get the knowledge into their heads more easily. You will also learn how to use AI to assess student work and whether there is any way to detect work written by AI. At the end, we'll show how to use AI to generate images.

Participants of this training will learn how to properly formulate questions and prompts so that AI can better understand them and provide quality answers. They will be able to create different types of content such as texts, presentations, explanations, tests, ideas or use AI to assess student outcomes (e.g. correcting essays, exams). They will get practical examples of how AI can be integrated into teaching. They will learn how to use the principles of effective learning to help students more easily understand and retain the material. They will be informed about other useful AI tools that are worth using.

Kontaktní osoba:
Branka Čačkovićová
585 633 654

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