doc. Mgr. Pavlína FLAJŠAROVÁ, Ph.D.

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Katedra anglistiky a amerikanistiky

Filozofická fakulta

Křížkovského 10



Office Hours:
Regular Room number: Comment:
Monday 11:15–12:00 Křížkovského 10, 3.08
Office Hours:
Regular Room number: Comment:
Monday 11:15–12:00 3.08

Functions & membership in academic & non academic bodies:

  • Proděkan (1. 2. 2018 – )
Flajšarová P. Windrush Child by Benjamin Zephaniah. The Literary Encyclopedia. 2023.
Flajšarová P. Picasso, I Want My Face Back. The Literary Encyclopedia. 2022.
Flajšarová P. Andrea Levy: Never Far from Nowhere. The Literary Encyclopedia. 2021.
Flajšarová P. Journeying Across Languages, Cultures, and Literatures: the Poetry of Mervyn Morris. Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies. 2021.
Flajšarová P. Taste of the Lemon. The Literary Encyclopedia. 2021.
Flajšarová P. Bohemian English. ENGLISH. 2019.
Flajšarová P. Every Light in the House Burnin´. The Literary Encyclopedia. 2019.
Flajšarová P. Understanding Britishness through the Mersey Poets. Current issues of linguistics and translation studies. 2018.
Flajšarová P. On Woman Festival on the Verandah: Contemplative Poetry of Jean Binta Breeze. Hradec Králové Journal of Anglophone Studies. 2017.
Flajšarová P. Come Back to Me Blue Mountains and Harvey River. English Studies in Albania. 2015.
Flajšarová P., Fonfárová V. V kanadské literatuře nejde jen o přežití. Kulturní noviny. 2012.
FLAJŠAROVÁ P. For a Breath of Air: Scottishness in the Writing of Kathleen Jamie. Moravian Journal of Literature and Film. 2011.
Flajšarová P. Poezie současného Skotska. Host. 2005.
FLAJŠAROVÁ P. Seminář současné skotské literatury. Žurnál Univerzity Palackého Olomouc. 2005.
FLAJŠAROVÁ P. Labyrinty anglické poezie po roce 1970. Tvar. 2003.
Flajšarová P. Love, Life, and Death in Coleridge''s Poem "The Raven". Acta Universitas Palackiana. 2000.
FLAJŠAROVÁ P. Metaphors in the Work of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. In Marek J. (Eds.) 2001.
Flajšarová P. Caribbean Don Speaking: Poetry of Diaspora by John Agard. From Theory to Practice. 2018.
Flajšarová P. ENTERING THE CHURCH WITH HIGH WINDOWS: CZECH TRANSLATIONS OF POETRY BY PHILIP LARKIN. In Zehnalová J., Molnár O., Kubánek M. (Eds.) Interchange between Languages and Cultures: The Quest for Quality. 2016.
Práger L. Emotion and Affect in Reading McEwan: Empirical Analysis of Readers' Response. In Flajšar J., Flajšarová P. (Eds.) Anglophone Culture Across Centuries and Borders. 2015.
Flajšarová P. Fishing in Troubled Waters. In Flajšar J., Flajšarová P. (Eds.) Anglophone Culture Across Centuries and Borders. 2015.
Jařab J. Fusion or fragmentation? The ongoing story of American pluralist culture. In Flajšar J., Flajšarová P. (Eds.) Anglophone culture across centruies and borders. 2015.
Flajšarová P. How Visual Can Poetry Can Get: Visual and Textual Aspects in the Poetry of Grace Nichols. In Trušník R., Bell J., Nemčoková K. (Eds.) From Theory to Practice. 2015.
Obenausová S. Charles Rennie Mackintosh and his Impact on Some Czech Architects of the Viennese School. In Flajšarová P., Flajšar J. (Eds.) Anglophone Culture Across Centuries and Borders. Proceedings from an International Cultural Studies Conference. 2015.
Sýkora M. Philip Roth´s Conflict with Conservative American Jewish Circle as a Young Man. In Flajšarová P., Flajšar J. (Eds.) ANGLOPHONE CULTURE ACROSS CENTURIES AND BORDERS: PROCEEDINGS FROM AN INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL STUDIES CONFERENCE, VOL 4. 2015.
Flajšarová P. Relocation of British Romanticism and Landscape in the Poetry of Canadian Sunshine Coast by John Pass. In Flajšar J., Flajšarová P. (Eds.) Considering Identity: Views on Canadian Literature and History. 2015.
Flajšar J. The American Suburb and Home Seeking in the Poetry of Richard Hugo. In Flajšar J., Flajšarová P. (Eds.) New Perspectives on American Poetry: From Walt Whitman to the Present. 2015.
Flajšarová P. Jamaica Revisited: Slave Narrative in Andrea Levy’s The Long Song. In Bell J., Nemčková K., Wójcik B. (Eds.) From Theory to Practice 2012: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Anglophone Studies. 2013.
Flajšarová P. When Kubla Khan Travels Abroad: Czech Translations of the Poetry by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. In Zehnalová J., Molnár O., Kubánek M. (Eds.) Tradition and Trends in Trans-Language Communication. 2013.
Flajšarová P. Diaspora in the Poetry of Fleur Adcock. In Trušník R., Němčoková K., Bell JG. (Eds.) Theories and Practices: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Anglophone Studies. 2012.
FLAJŠAROVÁ P. The Poet as Cultural Dentist: Ethnicity in the Poetry of Jackie Kay. In Drábek P., Chovanec J. (Eds.) Theory and Practice in English Studies: The Proceedings from the Eighth Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies. 2005.
FLAJŠAROVÁ P. The Poet at the Crossroads. In Kušnír J. (Eds.) Insights into the Dynamics of the English Language and Culture: Conference Proceedings. 2005.
FLAJŠAROVÁ P. Ethnic Images of Black and White in the Poetry of Grace Nichols. In Huttová M. (Eds.) The Proceedings of the Conference organised on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the opening of British and American Studies at the Faculty of Arts, Comenius Unviesity, Bratislava. 2004.
FLAJŠAROVÁ P. The Stream Never Forgets Its Flow. In Chovanec J. (Eds.) Theory and Practice in English Studies, Volume 2: Proceedings from the Seventh Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies. 2003.
Obenausová S. Art in History, History in Art. In Flajšarová P. (Eds.) 2015.
FLAJŠAROVÁ P., JELÍNKOVÁ E., GREGOROVÁ M., ANTÉNE P., NOVÁK V. Skotská próza v letech 1900-1980. Skotská próza v letech 1900-1980. 2011.
Jelínková E., Flajšarová P., Anténe P., Novák V. Skotská próza v letech 1980-2009. 2010.
Flajšarová P. Poezie ve Velké Británii a Severním Irsku po roce 1945. Poezie ve Velké Británii a Severním Irsku po roce 1945. 2007.
Flajšarová P. The Bridge and the Eclipse: Metaphors in The Poetry of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The Bridge and the Eclipse: Metaphors in The Poetry of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. 2004.
Flajšarová P. Bishakh Som. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Diasporic Indian English Writing. 2025.
Flajšarová P. Marath Menon. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Diasporic Indian English Writing. 2025.
Flajšarová P. My Mother´s Scribe. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Diasporic Indian English Writing. 2025.
Flajšarová P. Crisis in Monica Ali´s Brick Lane and In the Kitchen. Pastoral and Antipastoral: Representation of City and Village in Literature. 2024.
Flajšarová P. Culture and Memory Meet in Monica Ali's Brick Lane. Routledge - Kochar. 2022.
Flajšarová P. Green Thumbs: Floral Geopoetics in the Poetry of Sarah Maguire. Geographia Literaria: Studies in Earth, Ethics and Literature. 2021.
Flajšarová P. Nothing Can Replace Memory: The Poetry of (non)belonging of Jean Binta Breeze. In Szymanski L., Zawodniak J., Lobodziec A., Smoluk M. (Eds.) Interdisciplinary Views on the English Language, Literature and Culture. 2018.
Flajšarová P. Karibský literární a kulturní festival ve Velké Británii. Relokace v literatuře a filmu. 2014.
Flajšarová P. Formální požadavky na diplomovou, rigorózní a doktorskou (dizertační) práci. Metodická příručka projektu Literatura a film bez hranic: dislokace a relokace v pluralitním prostoru. 2013.
Flajšarová P. A Role-Model: Robert Louis Stevenson. Scottish Gothic Fiction. 2012.
Flajšarová P. Bibliography. Chapters in Contemporary Canadian Literature. 2012.
Flajšarová P. Canadian Literary Criticism. Chapters in Contemporary Canadian Literature. 2012.
Flajšarová P. Translations in Canadian Literature. Chapters in Contemporary Canadian Literature. 2012.
Flajšarová P. Victorian Woman and the Gothic Condition. Scottish Gothic Fiction. 2012.
Flajšarová P. Simpson, Louis (1923-). The Greenwood Encyclopedia of American Poets and Poetry. 2006.
Flajšarová P. Spires, Elizabeth (1952-). The Greenwood Encyclopedia of American Poets and Poetry. 2006.
Flajšarová P. Stryk, Lucien (1924-). The Greenwood Encyclopedia of American Poets and Poetry. 2006.
Flajšarová P. Cesta do hlubin britského kontinentu. Císařovo kotě. 2003.
Žejdlík J., Voženílek V., Burian J., Flajšar J., Flajšarová P., Rypl O. Mobile Positioning Data: Population and its mobility in the Olomouc region. 2024.
Žejdlík J., Voženílek V., Flajšarová P., Flajšar J., Burian J., Nicolaides BM. Suburbanization in Los Angeles County. 2024.
Flajšarová P. Decolonize! 2023.
Flajšarová P. Literature and maps. 2022.
Flajšarová P. My Home My Castle. 2022.
Flajšarová P. The Escape is the Beginning. 2019.
Flajšarová P. Safe Landscape of Childhood. 2018.
Flajšarová P. Slavery Turned Upside Down. 2018.
Flajšarová P. Jamaica Meets England. 2016.
Flajšarová P. Caribbean Diaspora in Canada. 2014.
Flajšarová P. Fishing in Troubled Waters. 2014.
Flajšarová P. Poetry and Science. 2014.
FLAJŠAROVÁ P. The Poet as a Cultural Dentist. 2005.
FLAJŠAROVÁ P. The Poet at the Crossroads. 2005.
FLAJŠAROVÁ P. Life in Your Hands. 2003.
Flajšarová P. Learning Outputs. 2024.
Flajšarová P. Mobility Recognition. 2024.
Flajšarová P., Klimentová E., Kisvetrová H. Vulnerable People, the Arts, and Heath Sciences. 2024.
Flajšarová P., Roztočil T. In Search of My Sister. 2021.
Flajšarová P. Perspektiven fur Europa. 2021.
Flajšarová P., Peprník M. Patterson and American Demography. 2018.
Flajšarová P., Flajšar J. American Trees and American Temporality. 2015.
Flajšar J., Flajšarová P. Indigenous American Cultures and History. 2015.
Flajšar J., Flajšarová P. Katherine Anne Porter and the Problem of Europe. 2015.
Flajšarová P., Jařab J., Flajšar J. Modern American Drama. 2015.
Flajšarová P., Flajšar J., Jařab J., Peprník M., Tylšarová H. Olomouc International Colloquium of American Studies. 2015.
Flajšarová P., Flajšar J. Poetry and Transnational Migration of Form. 2015.
Flajšarová P., Flajšar J. Postwar British Literature. 2015.
Flajšar J., Flajšarová P., Peprník M., Tylšarová H. Recent Civil Rights Protests in the United States. 2015.
Flajšarová P., Flajšar J. Robert Burns and the Politics of Poetry. 2015.
Flajšar J., Flajšarová P., Tylšarová H. Alice Munro and Canadian Literature. 2014.
Flajšar J., Flajšarová P. Culture and Sports: Hockey. 2014.
Flajšar J., Flajšarová P., Tylšarová H. Exploding the Notion of Canadianness: Black Writing in Canada. 2014.
Flajšar J., Flajšarová P. Modern Canadian Drama. 2014.
Flajšarová P., Flajšar J. Poetry of the Underground. 2014.
Flajšar J., Flajšarová P. Reading Canada. 2014.
Flajšar J., Flajšarová P. American Poets at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. 2013.
Flajšarová P., Flajšar J. Poetry reading by Robert Crawford. 2013.
Flajšar J., Flajšarová P. Postwar American Poets in Europe. 2013.
Flajšarová P., Flajšar J. Robert Burns and Scottish Independence. 2013.
Flajšarová P., Flajšar J. Scottish History Alive: Jacobite Rebellions. 2013.
Flajšarová P., Flajšar J. Scottish History and Islands. 2013.
Flajšarová P., Flajšar J. Anglophone Culture Across Centuries and Borders. 2015.
Flajšarová P., Flajšar J. New Perspectives on American Poetry. 2015.
Dopita M., Dočekal V., Flajšarová P., Janebová E., Tomášková R., Šmídlová M., Bártová Vopravilová L., Stašová L., Badinská L., Andersson-Norrie I., Stockhult H., Almazán Ruiz E., Beelen J., Bulnes C., de Louw E., van der Toorn J., Johnstone Ch., Kappler B. SABIO: Supporting Academics to become International Educators through Professional Learning Communities. Sabio Project: Supporting Academics to become International Educators through Professional Learning Communities. 2024.
Flajšarová P. Nová tvář ve čtvrti Brick Lane. Tvar. 2005.
Flajšarová P. Britské spisovatelky na přelomu tisíciletí. Litteraria Pragensia, issue 28, vol. 14. 2004.
FLAJŠAROVÁ P. Co v Shakespearovi nebylo. Tvar. 2004.
Flajšarová P. Christopherův sen. Tvar. 2004.
Flajšarová P. Jak se píše kritika. Host. 2004.
Flajšarová P. Lawrencův klíč ke štěstí. Tvar. 2004.
Flajšarová P. Dva světy V. S. Naipaula. Host. 2003.
Flajšarová P. Imagista Hulme. Host. 2003.
Flajšarová P. Plechový sen Magnuse Millse. Host. 2003.
Ostatní odborná publikace (RIV)
Flajšarová P. Baba Suburb. 2024.
Flajšarová P. Letchworth Garden City. 2024.
Flajšarová P., Flajšar J. Zlín - Czech Garden City and Literature. 2024.
Flajšarová P. Alternative Semantics of Water: Watery Images in Derek Walcott´s Poetry. In Franková M. (Eds.) Alternative Semantics of Water: Watery Images in Derek Walcott´s Poetry. 2017.
Flajšarová P. Campus Novel Variations: A Comparative Study of Anglo-American Genre. Campus Novel Variations: A Comparative Study of Anglo-American Genre. 2016.
Flajšarová P. English Garden Cities. 2024.
FLAJŠAROVÁ P. Současní skotští básníci. Host. 2005.
Flajšarová P. Císařovo kotě. Císařovo kotě. 2003.
Flajšarová P. Náboženství v románech Davida Lodge. Host. 2000.

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