Mgr. Petra Bačuvčíková, Ph.D.

Employee photo


Katedra germanistiky

Filozofická fakulta

Křížkovského 10


Odborný asistent

Bačuvčíková P. Übersetzung von Kollokationen in österreichischen und tschechischen Gerichtsentscheidungen. Deutsche Phraseologie und Parömiologie im Kontakt und im Kontrast II. Beiträge der II. internationalen Tagung zur Phraseologie und Parömiologie in Wroclaw/Polen, 23.-25.Mai 2019. 2020.
Bačuvčíková P. Kommunikation über Videoblogs. Experimentierräume in der deutschen Sprachwissenschaft. 2019.
Bačuvčíková P., Voda Eschgfäller S. Übersetzen und Dolmetschen in der Unterrichtspraxis. In Bačuvčíková P., Voda Eschgfäller S. (Eds.) 2023.
Krappmann M., Buršová M., Šimůnek V., Ciosk J., Voda Eschgfäller S., Bačuvčíková P., Peštová A. Übersetzen und Dolmetschen in der Unterrichtspraxis. In Bačuvčíková P., Voda Eschgfäller S. (Eds.) 2023.
Bačuvčíková P. Der Sprecherwechsel als Zeichen von Kompetitivität und Kooperativität. Deutsche Sprache im Wandel der Jahrhunderte. 2008.
Rinas K., Bačuvčíková P., Křížková Z. Über einige Verben mit ?variabel betonbaren? Präfixen. Eine korpuslinguistische Untersuchung. Deutsche Sprache im Wandel der Jahrhunderte. 2008.
Procházková K. Das Erbrecht als Bereich der Übersetzung vom Deutschen ins Tschechische. In Bačuvčíková P. (Eds.) 2022.
Current courses
Course title Department/Abbrev. Semester Type Classes
German Philology - Linguistic Seminar KGN/LGS04 ZS Se 2
German Philology - Linguistic Seminar KGN/LGS12 LS Se 9
Final State Exam - Philological Foundations of Translatology KGN/MSPG ZS 0
Final State Exam - Philological Foundations of Translatology KGN/MSPG LS 0
Final State Exam: Interpreting and Translation KGN/MSPT ZS 0
Final State Exam: Interpreting and Translation KGN/MSPT LS 0
History, Theory and Methodology of Translation and Interpreting KGN/MSUD ZS 0
History, Theory and Methodology of Translation and Interpreting KGN/MSUD LS 0
Diploma Seminar 1 KGN/BP1 LS Se 9
Diploma Seminar 2 KGN/BP2 ZS Se 2
German Language: Interpreting and Translation KGN/BSPR ZS 0
Final State Exam: Interpreting KGN/BSZT ZS 0
Czech for Translators and Interpreters KGN/CP ZS Se 2
Diploma Seminar 1 KGN/DP1 LS Se 9
Phraseology KGN/JCP ZS Cv 2
Dissertation Seminar 1 KGN/95DJ1 LS Se 0
Dissertation Seminar 2 KGN/95DJ2 LS Se 0
Dissertation Seminar 1 KGN/95JD1 LS Se 0
Dissertation Seminar 2 KGN/95JD2 LS Se 0
Dissertation Seminar 3 KGN/95JD3 LS Se 0
Dissertation Seminar 4 KGN/95JD4 LS Se 0
Complex Exam in Interpreting KGN/ZKD ZS 0
Complex Exam in Interpreting KGN/ZKD LS 0
Complex Exam in Translating KGN/ZKU ZS 0
Complex Exam in Translating KGN/ZKU LS 0
Translation Seminar - Translation of Texts for Special Purposes KGN/PR7C LS Se 12
Interpreting or Translation Hands-On Training KGN/PTP ZS Cv 0
Interpreting or Translation Hands-On Training KGN/PTP LS Cv 0
Interpreting or Translation Hands-On Training KGN/PTP2 ZS Cv 0
Interpreting or Translation Hands-On Training KGN/PTP2 LS Cv 0
Interpreting or Translation Hands-On Training KGN/PTP3 ZS Cv 0
Interpreting or Translation Hands-On Training KGN/PTP3 LS Cv 0
Interpreting or Translation Hands-On Training KGN/PTP4 ZS Cv 0
Interpreting or Translation Hands-On Training KGN/PTP4 LS Cv 0
Rezervace místnosti KGN/REZMI ZS Se 2
Specifics of the Master's Thesis KGN/SDP ZS 0
Specifics of the Master's Thesis KGN/SDP LS 0
Conversation Analysis and Dialogue Analysis KGN/92AAD ZS Se 0
Linguistic Seminar for PhD Students KGN/92AL1 ZS Se 4
Linguistic Seminar for PhD Students KGN/92AL2 ZS Se 4
Linguistic Seminar for PhD Students KGN/92AL3 ZS Se 4
Linguistic Seminar for PhD Students KGN/92AL4 ZS Se 4
Linguistic Seminar for PhD Students KGN/92AL5 ZS Se 4
Sociolinguistics - Language Variants Research KGN/92ASO ZS Se 0
Consecutive Interpreting Practice 1 KGN/TNK1 ZS Se 2

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