Mgr. Martina Benešová, Ph.D.


585633172, 585633143

Katedra obecné lingvistiky

Filozofická fakulta

Křížkovského 14


Odborný asistent

Office Hours:
Regular Room number: Comment:
Monday 8:45–9:45 3.10
Thursday 11:00–12:00 Online consultation via Zoom link Other dates and times possible upon agreement.
Selected publications
Faltýnek D., Benešová M., Matlach V., Kučera O. System and method for adapting text-based data structures to text samples. 2023. (PATENT, UŽITNÝ VZOR, PRŮMYSLOVÝ VZOR)
Špaček F., Benešová M., Faltýnek D. HAVEX. 2022. (SOFTWARE)
Andres J., Benešová M., Fišerová E., Langer J. Are there fractals in sign language? CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS. 2024.
Langer J., Andres J., Benešová M., Fišerová E. Český znakový jazyk z hlediska kvantitativní lingvistiky. Speciální pedagogika. 2023.
Benešová M., Faltýnek D., Kormaníková L., Kučera O. Opakuji, tedy jsem: parasyntaktická perspektiva. Jazykovedny Casopis. 2023.
Benešová M., Faltýnek D., Zámečník Hadwiger L. Explain the law: When the evidence is not enough. Linguistic Frontiers. 2021.
Andres J., Langer J., Benešová M. Towards a Fractal Analysis of the Sign Language. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics. 2021.
Andres J., Langer J., Benešová M. Towards a Fractal Analysis of the Sign Language. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics. 2019.
Andres J., Benešová M., Chvosteková M., Fišerová E. Optimization of Parameters in the Menzerath–Altmann Law, II. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Facultas Rerum Naturalium, Mathematica. 2014.
Jašíčková A., Benešová M., Faltýnek D. An application of the Menzerath-Altmann law to a sample produced by an aphasic patient. Czech and Slovak Linguistic Review. 2013.
Schusterová D., Benešová M., Faltýnek D., Kučera O., Ščigulinská J. An application of the Menzerath-Altmann law to contemporary spoken Chinese. Czech and Slovak Linguistic Review. 2013.
Motalová T., Spáčilová L., Benešová M., Faltýnek D., Kučera O. An application of the Menzerath-Altmann law to contemporary written Chinese. Czech and Slovak Linguistic Review. 2013.
Benešová M., Andres J. Fractal Analysis of Poe's Raven II. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics. 2012.
Langer J., Andres J., Benešová M., Faltýnek D. Testing Czech sign language by quantitative methods to increase teaching effectiveness. In . (Eds.) Proceedings of INTED2017 Conference 6th-8th March 2017. 2017.
Andres J., Benešová M., Kocman JH. The Raven / Der Rabe / Havran. 2023.
Langer J., Andres J., Benešová M., Faltýnek D. Quantitative Linguistic Analysis of Czech Sign Language. 2020.
Benešová M., Biryukov D., Kovaľová J., Matoušková L., Motalová T., Vicherová Schusterová D., Vaculíková P. Text Segementation for MAL Testing. 2016.
Tuzzi A., Benešová M., Mačutek J. Recent Contributions to Quantitative Linguistics. 2015.
Benešová M., Kelih E., Mačutek J. Book of Abstracts QUALICO 2014. 2014.
Langer J., Andres J., Benešová M., Faltýnek D. Some Aspects of a Sign Language Quantitative Analysis. Words and Numbers. In Memory of Peter Grzybek (1957-2019). 2020.
Benešová M., Faltýnek D., Zámečník Hadwiger L. Functional explanation in synergetic linguistics. In Wang L., Köhler R., Tuzzi A. (Eds.) Structure, Function and Process in Texts. 2018.
Vaculíková P., Benešová M. Menzerath-Altmann Law – Analysis of Content-Pragmatic Unit within Czech Dialogue. Text Segmentation for Menzerath-Altmann Law Testing. 2016.
Benešová M., Biryukov D. Application of the Menzerath-Altmann Law to contemporary written Japanese – short story style. Recent Contributions to Quantitative Linguistics. 2015.
Benešová M., Faltýnek D., Zámečník Hadwiger L. Menzerath-Altmann Law in Differently Segmented Texts. Recent Contributions to Quantitative Linguistics. 2015.
Benešová M. The Menzerath-Altmann law under the magnifying glass. The 1st CONFERENCE of POST‐UP. 2014.
Martinková P., Benešová M., Faltýnek D., Zámečník Hadwiger L. QUALICO 2014. 2014.
Janečková BA., Matlach V., Faltýnek D., Benešová M. LUKE. 2022.

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