Mgr. Ondřej Molnár, Ph.D.

Fotografie zaměstnance
Kontaktní údaje

585633105, 775275653

Katedra anglistiky a amerikanistiky

Filozofická fakulta

Křížkovského 10


Odborný asistent

Konzultační hodiny:
Pravidelné Místnost: Poznámka:
úterý 10:30–12:00 3.25 po dohodě i jiný den
Molnár O. Translation Quality Assessment. Czech and Slovak Linguistic Review. 2017.
Molnár O. Interpersonal Space in a Hard News Story (genre analysis). In Tárnyiková J. (Eds.) 2017.
Flajšarová P. ENTERING THE CHURCH WITH HIGH WINDOWS: CZECH TRANSLATIONS OF POETRY BY PHILIP LARKIN. In Zehnalová J., Molnár O., Kubánek M. (Eds.) Interchange between Languages and Cultures: The Quest for Quality. 2016.
Anténe P. Il n’y a pas de hors-texte? Intertextuality and Lack Thereof in the Czech Translation of David Lodge’s Changing Places. In Kubánek M., Molnár O., Zehnalová J. (Eds.) Interchange between Languages and Cultures. Proceedings of the International Conference Translation and Interpreting Forum Olomouc 2014. 2016.
Zehnalová J. Translation Quality: Does It Exist? In Zehnalová J., Molnár O., Kubánek M. (Eds.) Interchange between Languages and Cultures: The Quest for Quality. 2016.
Engelbrecht W. A Moravian Picture of Dutch Literature. In Zehnalová J., Molnár O., Kubánek M. (Eds.) Tradition and Trends in Trans-Language Communication. 2013.
Podlipský V., Šimáčková Š. Automatic Imitation or Poor First-Language Inhibition? Why Foreign-Accentedness Increases during Interpreting. In Zehnalová J., Molnár O., Kubánek M. (Eds.) Tradition and Trends in Trans-Language Communication. 2013.
Řeřicha V. Czech Translation Equivalents of the Marginal Modal Need to in Administrative Texts. In Zehnalová J., Molnár O., Kubánek M. (Eds.) Tradition and Trends in Trans-Language Communication. 2013.
Molnár O. Source Text Quality in the Translation Process. In Molnár O., Kubánek M., Zehnalová J. (Eds.) Tradition and Trends in Trans-Language Communication. 2013.
Kubánek M. Source Text Quality in the Workflow of Translation Agencies. In Molnár O., Kubánek M., Zehnalová J. (Eds.) Tradition and Trends in Trans-Language Communication. 2013.
Sandersová M. Tackling redundancy at the delivery stage - Using peer evaluation as a teaching method. In Zehnalová J., Molnár O., Kubánek M. (Eds.) Tradition and Trends in Trans-Language Communication. 2013.
Zehnalová J. Tradition and Trends in Translation Quality Assessment. In Zehnalová J., Molnár O., Kubánek M. (Eds.) Tradition and Trends in Trans-Language Communication. 2013.
Jařab J. Translations as ways to the knowledge of the world and to world literature. In Zehnalová J., Molnár O., Kubánek M. (Eds.) Tradition and Trends in Trans-Language Communication. 2013.
Flajšarová P. When Kubla Khan Travels Abroad: Czech Translations of the Poetry by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. In Zehnalová J., Molnár O., Kubánek M. (Eds.) Tradition and Trends in Trans-Language Communication. 2013.
ŠIMÁČKOVÁ Š., PODLIPSKÝ V. Pronunciation skills of an interpreter. In Zehnalová J., Molnár O., Kubánek M. (Eds.) Teaching Translation and Interpreting Skills in the 21st Century. Olomouc Modern Language Series. Vol. 1. 2012.
Prágerová V. Seeking a Dynamic Model of Interpreting Applicable in Interpreter Training. In Zehnalová J., Molnár O., Kubánek M. (Eds.) Teaching Translation and Interpreting Skills in the 21st Century. 2012.
Sandersová M. Teaching Active Memory Skills as Part of Interpreter Training. In Zehnalová J., Molnár O., Kubánek M. (Eds.) Teaching Translation and Interpreting Skills in the 21st Century. 2012.
Kubánek M., Molnár O. Teaching Translation Strategies: The Case of Condensation. Teaching Translation and Interpreting Skills in the 21st Century. 2012.
Řeřicha V., Livingstone D. The Dirty Dozen: Translating Semantically Complex Words and Collocations from Czech to English. In Zehnalová J., Molnár O., Kubánek M. (Eds.) Teaching Translation and Interpreting Skills in the 21st century. 2012.
Král P. The Role of Technology in Translation Studies. In Zehnalová J., Molnár O., Kubánek M. (Eds.) Teaching Translation and Interpreting Skills in the 21st Century. 2012.
Zehnalová J., Zubáková J. Translators Up-and-down the Garden Path: The Transfer of Pragmatic Meaning as a Part of Translation Competence. In Zehnalová J., Molnár O., Kubánek M. (Eds.) Teaching Translation and Interpreting Skills in the 21st Century. 2012.
Molnár O., Kubánek M. Kvalita zdrojového textu v překladatelském procesu. Kvalita a hodnocení překladu: Modely a aplikace. 2015.
Kubánek M., Molnár O. Využití nástroje pro tvorbu korpusů studentských překladů. Kvalita a hodnocení překladu: Modely a aplikace. 2015.
Molnár O. Lexical Patterns in the Texts of the European Union. Text as a Dynamic Interplay of Text Parameters. 2012.
Molnár O., Zehnalová J. The Interpersonal Metafunction in Media Discourse. The Interpersonal Language Function Across Genres and Discourse Domain. 2012.
Klabal O., Molnár O., Král P., Pavlisová H., Kubánek M., Sejkorová V., Trlifajová M., Zubáková J. TIFO 2024: Technological turn in translator and interpreter training. 2024.
Molnár O., Martinková M., Kubánek M. The Role of Corpora in Translator Education. 2022.
Martinková M., Molnár O., Kubánek M. The Role of Corpora in Translator Educations. 2022.
Klabal O., Král P., Kubánek M., Molnár O., Trlifajová M., Zubáková J. TIFO 2022: "Room for (Ex)Change in T&I Training". 2022.
Molnár O., Klabal O., Král P., Zubáková J. "Translating the Wor(l)d: Beyond Language". 2017.
Molnár O., Švecová H. Green Island. 2014.
Kubánek M., Klabal O., Molnár O. Teaching Translation vs. Training Translators. 2022.
Zehnalová J., Molnár O., Kubánek M. Tradition and Trends in Trans-Language Communication. Tradition and Trends in Trans-Language Communication. 2013.
Kubánek M., Molnár O., Zehnalová J. Teaching Translation and Interpreting Skills in the 21st Century. 2012.
KRÁL P., Černínová E., Kubánek M., Molnár O. Udržitelný rozvoj. 2011.

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