SPAIN - University of Murcia call for language assistants

Úterý 26. červen 2018, 12:53 – Text: -tk-

The University of Murcia is looking for 18 language assistants for next academic year for our Faculties of Humanities, Education, Arts and the International Relations department.

-Application deadline and procedure (pages 4-5): Applications and documents must reach the University of Murcia's "Registro General" office, the University of Murcia's "Registro Auxiliar" office or any Spanish Consulate "Registro" office by July 4th, 2018.

-Duration of the scholarship): From October 1st, 2018, to June 30th, 2019.

-Grant: 700 euros/month, plus 1000 euros dedicated to language and university courses.

-Main requirements: To be a native speaker of English, French, German, Italian, or Arabic, and to have a Bachelor's degree in Languages or Foreign Language Teaching.

-Main scholars' obligations: 12 language and culture teaching hours per week (under the supervision of a lecturer), plus 2 tutoring hours per week.

More information in Spanish here

For any further information or question, prospective applicants can write to


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