FRANCE - Placement offer at the International Office of the University of Burgundy

Pátek 19. květen 2017, 9:10 – Text: -kh-

The International Office of the University of Burgundy is recruiting an international intern for a role between September and December 2017.

The intern must have student status during this internship and must be enrolled in their 3rd year of Bachelor level studies or studying at Master level with a good knowledge of the French language.

The student will help with administrative and communication tasks related to incoming and outgoing students at the University of Burgundy.

The job includes welcome desk responsibilities and working on events, along with many other interesting tasks.

It is a paid internship (approximately 500 euros/month) and it is possible for students to rent a student room in one of the campus residences.

The application deadline is June 25, 2017.


Please find attached a more detailed copy of the internship offer, in English:


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