CoEMoN! 2024: Council of Europe Model of Negotiation!

Pondělí 1. červenec 2024, 14:05

From 26 to 29 August 2024, enjoy an unforgettable experience with the Council of Europe Model of Negotiation (#CoEMoN! 2024), organised by the Fédération pour la Diplomatie et les Nations Unies (FDNU) in direct collaboration with the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. Join 250 European students for 3 days of exceptional simulations of the two statutory bodies of the Council of Europe: the Parliamentary Assembly and the Committee of Ministers through 6 committees in French and English, with amazing socials and full coverage of registration fees and accommodation. Play the role of a parliamentarian from one of the 46 Member States and make your voice heard! Don't miss this unique opportunity to plunge into the heart of European diplomacy.

Note: If you wish to take part, a deposit of €30 must be paid at the time of registration, which will be refunded at the end of your participation in the event.

Nb :

Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email indicating whether you have been selected to take part in the event. Once you have received this confirmation email, you will be given details of how to pay the deposit, so that you can confirm your attendance at CoEMoN! 2024.



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