Department of Asian Studies: Specialized Seminar for PhD (KDV/92A2W) and Master’s students (DAS/VSS)

Čtvrtek 19. září 2024, 11:33

The Specialized Seminar KDV/92A2W and DAS/VSS, jointly convened by Kristina Kironska, Natalia Ryzhova and Alfred Gerstl (all at the Department of Asian Studies) is designed to accommodate PhD students and Master's students (particularly those intending to pursue a PhD after their Master's studies) from the Faculty of Arts) as well as exchange students. All lecturers have a strong background in political science, developmental studies, social anthropology and human rights, primarily in South-East, East and Central Asia.

The seminar consists of two parts. In the first half in October 2024 topics such as research motivation, conceptualization, finding a research gap, composing the main research questions and the main goal of the paper / chapter students are currently working on will be covered. While this part is mandatory to Master's students, it is optional for PhD students. The classes will be held on 10, 17 and 24 October.

Following the October classes, Master’s and PhD students will have sufficient time to prepare their research proposal, thesis or dissertation chapters for presentation during the second part of the course. This part will be organized in form of a workshop, held from 11-15 November., 10:00-17:00 each day This workshop will feature invited scholars from abroad, including Julie Chen (University of Helsinki) and Tanguy Struye de Swielande (Université catholique de Louvain). These experts will provide feedback and individual consultation on student presentations and the submitted chapter. Additionally, they will also offer insights into various soft skills, such as time management and publishing in international journals. In addition, we will have lectures on data management and qualitative and mixed methods data analyses and respective software tools.


There will be 100 points to get during the course:

- Attendance and class activity (30%): students are generally expected to participate in all classes, and actively join the discussions
- Chapter preparation (40%): submit your chapter by 1 November via Moodle (so that the external reviewers have enough time to review your submissions)
- Presentation of your chapter in the workshop (30%): prepare your chapter / research proposal presentation to be presented during the workshop in November
Evaluation scale: A: 100 - 90%, B: 89 - 80%, C: 79 - 70%, D: 69 - 65%, E: 64 - 60%, F: 59 - 0%.


If you have further questions, please contact one of the lecturers (, or 


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