Discover Olomouc's Secrets

Čtvrtek 4. duben 2024, 12:34

Photo: Vojtěch Duda


Get ready for our summer semester tours happening this month. Secure your spot now to explore the wonders and hidden treasures of Olomouc and Palacký University.

Welcome Office UP

Old Prints and Historical Library Tour

Join us on April 22, 2024, at 4:00 PM for a journey through the history of printing, dating back to the founding of our university in 1573. Discover rare manuscripts, ancient texts, and documents signed by famous authors in our historical libraries. These special areas are being opened exclusively for you, offering a unique glimpse into the documents that shaped Europe as we know it today. And the best part? It’s completely free!

Registration is Now Open for April 22, 2024.
(more information is available in the registration form)

Olomouc Sightseeing Tour

Ever wondered about the hidden gems of Olomouc? On April 29, 2024, at 4:00 PM, you’ll have the chance to uncover the most significant historical spots in Olomouc. This free guided tour in English will lead you through the city's historical buildings and important monuments, offering insights you won’t find anywhere else. Don’t miss this chance to explore the city’s secret corners with our professional guide!

Registration is Now Open for April 29, 2024.
(more information is available in the registration form)

The Division for International Cooperation and its Welcome Office are excited to offer these tours, thanks to our collaboration with professional librarians and guides. We can not wait to see you at one or both of these tours! With no cost to attend, this is a fantastic opportunity to broaden your horizons or familiarize yourself with Olomouc's landmarks.


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