End od study stay

Pátek 7. červen 2024, 16:14

Dear exchange student, 

As the teaching period is over at our faculty, I would like to point out important facts regarding the end of your mobility. 

STAG access stays open for you till all the study results are in the information system.


When you finish a course at our faculty, the result is recorded in STAG – teacher′s responsibility.

To remind you, some of the courses are for CREDITS ONLY, meaning marking in a sense passed or failed, NO GRADE. 

Such results are supplemented by number of points (on percentage scale). Conversion table is a part of the official Transcript of Records so your home coordinator is able to substitute points for grade where necessary. 

If the result is in STAG and you do not see a number of points regarding „passed/failed“ course (marked as R), please kindly ask the teacher to complete the record!

If you complete a course categorized as Exam, the grade is given as matter of course (A-F). The local grades are A-F. No other grades!


Your Transcript of records can be issued after all your results are in STAG and mobility terminated in Stag. The transcript is usually issued 3-5 weeks after the end of the exam period (suppose the record in STAG is complete). 

The transcript will be uploaded in the portal STAG, ECTS arrivals, Incoming Study Visit section. Please read on!


After the study is terminated, you proceed as being and applicant again!

To get to ECTS arrivals in Stag: https://stag.upol.cz/portal/studium/uchazec/ects-prijezdy.html

Input the same email address as in your application before the mobility started and click on Continue. Log into stag using an access link that was sent to your mail box.

Enter your application in Stag ECTS arrivals, section Incoming study visit. Download the attachment (ToR).

Your CERTIFICATE of STAY will be issued at Palacký University Mobility Office by Mrs. Zuzana Hamdanieh (Erasmus, EU) or Mrs. Iva Kokinopulosová  (International Credit mobility students).

We hope you enjoyed the study stay at our faculty. In case there is anything I can help with, let me know.

On behalf of the Faculty of Arts International Office

Simona Černá
Palacký University Olomouc
Faculty of Arts
Křížkovského 10
771 47 Olomouc

+420 585 633 496
simona.cerna@upol.cz | www.ff.upol.cz


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