Ukrainian version below in the attachment / Подання українською мовою нижче
Dear student,
Welcome in Olomouc. At the International Relations Office of the Faculty of Arts we are ready to help you to continue your university studies. The incoming student coordinator at the Faculty of Arts is Mrs Simona Černá. The other contact persons are Mrs Jana Hořáková and Mrs Eva Antošová (see below for details).
We would like to help you to find your way through all the arrangements to be able to start attending courses at our faculty.
Steps to follow:
1. Visit the KACPU (The Regional Assistance Centre For Ukraine), address: Hanácká kasárna, 1. Máje 803/1, Olomouc. They are open 24 hours a day. The people there would help you to arrange or advise on visa issue, explain details regarding medical insurance etc. You would also learn there how to get the financial aid or what else you can get from them.
2. After visiting KACPU please get in touch with Mrs. Simona Černá, International Office of the Faculty of Arts immediately. Together we arrange things conected with your study at ourfaculty - short study stay application, course enrolment etc.
Contact details of Mrs. Simona Černá, email:, Faculty of Arts, International Office at Křížkovského 10 street, building C, room 2.20, phone +420585633496
Other contacts
Jana Hořáková:, +420585633104, room 2.20
Eva Antošová:, +420585633176, room 2.06
The office is open Monday to Friday 9-11 and 13-15
3. Regarding the study at the faculty, it is only possible to join us for a short study/exchange stay this semester. As the teaching period is in progress, you will have the opportunity:
a) attend the classes without sitting for exams
b) attend the classes and prepare for the exams if possible and gain credits if you succeed.
4. You are entitled to receive a scholarship. We will tell you how to apply for the scholarship. From the scholarship you will pay for your accommodation and other living costs.
5. For the next academic year, you will have to register for degree study at Palacký University. We will advise you how to register when Czech government decides about the procedure.
1. Czech for Foreigners
- For exchange students and employees from all the Palacký University
- Registration is compulsory: Pavla Poláchová,
- Address: Křížkovského 10 street, rooms below.
- Timetable:
BEGINNERS Thursday (16:45–18:15), room 1.47
LOWER INTERMED. Thursday (15:00–16:30), room 1.47
INTERMEDIATE Thursday (16:45–18:15), room 1.35
ADVANCED Tuesday (16:45–18:15), room 1.49
2. Retraining courses
- Czech for foreigners focused on the labour market
- Registration duty for this course is at the Employment Office Olomouc (Úřad práce)
- Timetable: every Monday till Thursday 8:30 - 11:45
- Address: Třída Svobody 26, room:
- Contact person: Mrs. Pavla Poláchová,
- The course should probably start at the end of March 2022.
3. Survival Ukrainian (total 20x 45min.)
- Registration is compulsory: Mr. Oldřich Břenek,
- Timetable: Tuesday and Thursday 16:45 - 18:15
- Address: Faculty of Arts, Třída Svobody 26, room: 1.32
- First lesson on Tuesday March 22, 2022
4. English for Ukrainian teenagers (level A2/B1, conversation)
- Registration is compulsory: Mr. Oldřich Břenek,
- Timetable: every Monday 16:00-17:00
- Address: Faculty of Arts, Třída Svobody 26, room 1.32
- The class has started already.
5. German for Ukrainians - LOWER INTERMEDIATE
- Registration is compulsory: Mr. Jan-Peter Abraham,
- Timetable: Tuesday 11:30-13:00
- Address: Faculty of Arts, Křížkovského 10, room 4.61
- First lesson on April 5, 2022
- Course code: KGN/JC02
- If there will be more than 12 students interested, another course can be offered as follows:
6. German for Ukrainians (2nd group)
- Registration is compulsory: Mrs. Anna Mácová,
- The course would start on Monday April 4, 2022.
- Timetable: every Monday 15:00-16:30
- Address: Faculty of Arts, Křížkovského 10, room 4.61
- Course code: KGN/JC02