Nový povinně volitelný (B) kurz katedry judaistiky pro studenty War and Peace Studies

Pondělí 20. leden 2025, 15:36

Milé studentky, milí studenti SP War and Peace Studies,

katedra judaistiky nabízí kurz dr. Ariel Reicharda Israeli Foreign Policy in a Changing Middle East (JUD/IPV), který máte nově přidán do studijních plánů a můžete si jej tak zapsat jako povinně volitelný (B) kurz.

Výuka bude probíhat blokově od 12:00 do 15:00 pravděpodobně v tyto dny: čtvrtek 10. 4., pátek 11. 4. a čtvrtek 17. 4.


Cíle předmětu (anotace):
The aim of the seminars is to present an overview of Israel's foreign and security policies since independence until the current war and examine the factors and processes that shaped Israel's relations with regional and international actors.
The course will analyze the factors that determine Israel's major policies, taking into account the tension between Israel's geographic location in the Middle East and its Western orientation, Israel's Jewish origins and identity, and its strategic situation in the Middle East, including the Israeli-Arab and Israeli-Palestinian conflicts and recent changes in the region.
Specific focus will be given to Israeli decision makers' dilemmas and the tension between ideology and interest in Israel's foreign policy.

Požadavky na studenta
1. Attendance and active participation in the discussions during the seminar. Max. excused absence 20%.
2. Home preparation in the form of viewing predetermined materials (e.g., movies, slides) and reading assigned literature (Moodle).
3. Preparation of a final term essay on a selected topic in the range of 3 standard pages.
Content: The course will offer a comprehensive insight into contemporary Israeli politics and foreign policy. Through the presented materials, lectures, and discussions, students will have the opportunity to analyze Israeli security and foreign policy choices and behavior from independence until the current war.

List of topics:
1. The historical and cultural origins of Israel's security doctrine - from King David to the Holocaust
2. Jewish diplomacy in the Pre-Independence Phase (Yishuv)
3. Israel's National Security making system
4. The Israeli-Arab and Israeli-Palestinian conflict
5. Israeli foreign relations with the world: the US, Africa, Europe, China and Russia.
6. Selected case studies in foreign and security affairs - counter-terrorism, propaganda, and intelligence
7. Israeli Security and the October 7 attack
8. Changes to Israel's security environment: The New Middle East and Beyond

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