Milé kolegyně a milí kolegové,
srdečně zveme na přednášku dr. Katarzyny Kosior (Northumbria University) na téma: Royal Court and the Seim in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Seventeenth Century, která se koná v úterý 4. 3. od 15:00 hod. v přednáškovém sále (1.12) katedry historie (Na Hradě 5) v rámci cyklu přednášek hostů.
Anotace: In 1667, Andrzej Maksymilian Fredro, political thinker and senator of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, argued that fewer parliaments should be held to prevent the royal court’s corruption of the szlachta from the lower chamber. He feared that envoys, tempted by a political career in the ambit of the court, would seek royal patronage and neglect their local and military responsibilities. This lecture thinks this through spatially, considering how the blurring of parliamentary and courtly spaces was manifest at Wawel in Krakow and the royal palace in Warsaw, the royal residences where parliaments took place.
Zdravím moc,
Patrik Paštrnák
Zoom Meeting
Topic: dr. Katarzyna Kosior - the lecture
Time: Mar 4, 2025 14:45 Prague Bratislava
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